Thursday, April 1, 2010


All I can say is wow...spacers much :(

I got them put in yesterday and I'm hating them already. The actual process of putting them in was easy. I went to my orthodontist and they had me lay back in the chair. The took these little blue circular rubber band, 8 total, and wedged them between my teeth. I have four on each side, two on the tops and two on the bottoms.

To put them in they took these bands and threaded two pieces of floss through the center. Than they took the spacers and wedged them inbetween my teeth one at a time using that floss. Once in place they removed the floss one piece at a time. Getting them put in didn't hurt at all, except in one spot where I had a dentist who did a really crappy job on a filling. Anyways at first they didn't hurt at fact it even felt kind of cool...everyone said it would feel annoying, like you had food stuck in your teeth but it didn't feel that way to felt like there was a big piece of rubber stuck in there!

The whole thing took about five-ten minutes. It was super fast. The right side was the easiest, all four spacers went in quickly. The left side took a bit longer. For some reason the teeth on my left side are way tighter and the spacers really had to be forced in.

They didn't hurt at all yesterday...on the pain scale it was like a three and a four when I bit down(fyi bitings the worst). I took some asprin when I got home and everything was fine. I even ate regular food and chewed with them in. When I woke up this morning however I was in sooo much pain. My teeth, especially my bottom teeth were incredible sore all over. To bite down was unberable and sent a shooting pain through my jaw. I went to work and unfortunately forgot to bring asprin so I was in pain all day. As soon as I got home I took three and it helped a lot. They still feel sore but it's much more manageable.

My orthodontist told me the soreness would be gone by day three...I'm 26 hours in, so only 46 more hours till I feel normal again!

Also on the plus side he also told me that my gaps would be almost if not completely closed in six months...that was a huge relief since I thought those suckers wouldn't probably close for a whole year! This also makes me feel hopeful about the appearance of my teeth. Those gaps are big so my teeth will have to move a lot to fill them. I bet in six months my teeth are gonna be looking good...not perfect, but pretty good. I'll try to post pictures of my spacers and extractions as soon as I can!

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